If you run a marketing company, we’re surprised you even have time to read this article. Your time and attention would be split between a million different clients, projects, and other concerns at any one moment. Bookkeeping is most likely the very last thing on your mind, except when tax time rolls around or you need up-to-date financial information for a loan application or some other purpose. Take one task off your plate by outsourcing bookkeeping for marketing companies to the experts. Read on to find out more.
The Unique Bookkeeping Requirements of Marketing Companies
Bookkeeping for marketing companies cannot be handled in the same way as bookkeeping in other industries. When choosing your outsourced bookkeeper, it is imperative to feel secure that the bookkeeper you choose understands the unique requirements of bookkeeping in the marketing industry.
For example, tracking the profitability of individual projects and clients is essential in the marketing space, as is the correct classification of business operating expenses including employee wages versus fees paid to independent contractors. Reimbursements and prepaid expenses are common features of a marketing companies’ financial books, as are various types of media buys and other advertising expenditure: all of which must be properly classified.
Internet marketing opens up a new range of nuanced requirements, with PayPal reconciliation and online independent contractors coming into the mix.
The Benefits of Outsourcing Bookkeeping for Marketing Companies
When you outsource bookkeeping for marketing companies, you can expect the following benefits:
- Working with bookkeeping experts who are well versed in the unique requirements of marketing companies;
- Proper classification of prepaid expenses and reimbursements;
- Specific attention paid to aspects of online marketing often neglected, including online payment and merchant systems;
- The adoption of best practice solutions to streamline bookkeeping requirements;
- The proper classification and handling of employees and independent contractors, both in person and online.
How Free My Cloud Can Save You Time And Money
When you outsource your bookkeeping for marketing companies to Free My Cloud, you can expect significant, trackable savings in both time and money. As qualified, experienced bookkeepers, the team at Free My Cloud are solely invested in keeping your books, applying particular knowledge and emphasis on online and off-line marketing companies.
Just as you’re a marketing expert, we are bookkeeping experts and we know how to get the job done in a fraction of the time it would have taken you. Rather than conquering the world of bookkeeping just as you’ve conquered the marketing industry, outsource this would-be tedious task to us so you can concentrate on running your business and servicing your clients.
To find out more about how Free My Cloud can expertly take care of all aspects of bookkeeping for marketing companies, contact us today for free advice.